Inside Medical Cannabis 2024

The flowzz report on medical cannabis flowers, online pharmacies, telemedicine and the impact on the black market in Germany. (February 2024)
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The flowzz report "Inside Medical Cannabis" is intended to be a comprehensive and trusted resource for patients, physicians, pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies and the wider public interested in medical cannabis.

An excerpt from the flowzz "Inside Medical Cannabis" report is available on Slideshare. The full report can be requested via our contact form here.

Content from the report and upcoming updates

  • Medical cannabis flowers in Germany
  • The flowzz price index: How much do medicinal cannabis flowers cost in pharmacies?
  • What impact do the low prices have on the black market?
  • Pharmacies as start-ups - the boom of online cannabis pharmacies in Germany
  • Cannabis and "telemedicine" - falling prices and rising patient numbers
  • "Cannabis around the world" - German wholesalers and the pharmaceutical industrial production of cannabis.
  • What impact will the new cannabis law have on the medical market in Germany?

Medicinal cannabis flowers in Germany

The medicinal cannabis flower market segment is very dynamic and growing rapidly:
  • Total number of medicinal cannabis flowers: 415
  • Of which currently available: 323
  • Number of different cultivars compared to the USA:
    approx. 219 strains in Germany / over 7,000 in the USA*
  • Number of new cannabis flowers in the last 3 months:
    August: 16 / September: 22 / October: 19

Our forecast for 2024 is over 250 strains with well over 600 different cannabis flowers. *Source: Leafly USA

The flowzz price index: What do medicinal cannabis flowers cost in pharmacies?

The average price of medicinal cannabis in Germany has fallen from around 11.90 euros in 2022 to less than 10.00 euros per gram in 2023. A detailed price overview of medical cannabis varieties in German pharmacies, broken down by price and THC segments, can be found in our "Medical Cannabis Inside" report.

Every month, our partner Integraleaf publishes the "flowzz Cannabis Pricing Barometer" on LinkedIn.

Average prices by THC segment*

<15% THC8.70 EUR
15-20% THC7.56 EUR
20-25% THC8.78 EUR
>25% THC9.58 EUR

Cheapest offers by THC segment

<15% THC2,00 EUR
15-20% THC3.95 EUR
20-25% THC4.99 EUR
>25% THC6,95 EUR

Number of flowers below the black market price

Under 10 EUR231
Under 8 EUR134
Under 6 EUR45
Under 4 EUR3

What impact do the low prices have on the black market?

The self-payer market already accounts for two thirds of patients in the medicinal cannabis flower market segment. As these patients have to cover the costs of their treatment themselves, price is an important criterion. Many of these patients have already migrated from the black market and self-medication to the legal medical market. With the falling prices in the medical cannabis market, the migration trend from the black market will increase significantly in the future.

The 10 cheapest medicinal cannabis flowers from the pharmacy:

Pharmacies as start-ups - the boom in online cannabis pharmacies in Germany

There are over 18,000 pharmacies in Germany and many of these pharmacies stock medicinal cannabis. However, the market share of specialized online cannabis pharmacies is disproportionately large. The largest 25 online cannabis pharmacies are responsible for more than 50% of cannabis flower sales. Some of these pharmacies already generate annual sales of 2-digit millions with medicinal cannabis flowers.

It is therefore hardly surprising that more and more pharmacies, like classic online start-ups, are going after customers with their own search engine optimized websites.

The advantages for patients are well described in our guide article.

Cannabis and "telemedicine" - falling prices and rising patient numbers

The unwillingness of many doctors to prescribe the narcotic medical cannabis to patients led to the founding of the first cannabis telemedicine clinics in 2021. There are now more than 12 telemedicine clinics with different, sometimes very high fee models for private patients. However, competitive pressure is also causing prices to fall here. A price comparison and a brief presentation of the clinics known to us can be found in this guide article:

"Cannabis around the world" - German wholesalers and the pharmaceutical industrial production of cannabis

In just a few years, Germany has developed into an important sales market for medical cannabis. We currently have products from 45 pharmaceutical wholesalers in our database, who in turn import medicinal cannabis to Germany from many growers around the world. In 2022, approximately 25 tons of medicinal cannabis were imported into Germany, in addition to German production, which was most likely slightly less than one ton.

In our report we provide all key figures of the product portfolio of these wholesalers in detail. Just contact us or have a look at an excerpt of the report on Slideshare.

What impact will the new cannabis law have on the medical market in Germany?

The German government has approved the draft law on the partial legalization of cannabis. The controversial law is due to come into force at the end of 2023 (see federal government website: Cabinet approves legalization).

However, the introduction of cannabis for recreational use does not meet the industry's expectations and the planned cannabis social clubs are seen as a form of gray market rather than a scalable business segment, according to critics. The so-called legalization affects pharmacies insofar as it simplifies the dispensing of medicinal cannabis. In future, cannabis flowers and extracts will no longer be classified as narcotics.::br The requirement for a prescription on a narcotics prescription will no longer apply and special security measures will no longer be required.Even prescription via e-prescription will finally be possible. This means that cannabis can be prescribed more easily and more widely by doctors in future, as the hurdles involved in prescribing by doctors and dispensing by pharmacies will be made much more patient-friendly.

Medical cannabis is already cheaper than the black market. If access for patients is simplified and cannabis can be prescribed on a "normal" prescription, the number of prescriptions and the overall market is expected to grow by a factor of three to ten.
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